
Search for childcare in the Gateshead Families Information Service Directory.

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All schools and registered early years providers must follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This includes childminders, preschool, nurseries and school reception classes. They set standards for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to five years old. 

Types of childcare in Gateshead 

Day nursery

Day nurseries provide care for under fives on weekdays, from around 7.30 or 8am until approximately 6pm. You can use your children's free education entitlement at day nurseries. There will be a charge for extra hours.

Pre Schools and playgroups

Pre-schools and playgroups usually provide care for approximately six hours per day but some are open for longer. They are for children aged two to five years old. You can use you children's free education entitlement at pre-schools and playgroups. There will be a charge for extra hours.

Nursery classes in schools

Some schools offer classes for children over the age of two during term time and within school hours. You can use you children's free education entitlement. Ofsted inspect all schools on a regular basis.


Childminders look after children aged under five at any time; and school aged children outside school hours and school holidays. This is usually at the childminder's home. You can use your children's free education entitlement. Childminders can either register with Ofsted or via an agency.


Creches provide childcare usually for short periods of time.

Breakfast club

A breakfast club provides care and breakfast for school age children. This is often on a school site.

After school club

After-school clubs take place after school until about 6pm. Some schools have their own club on site or a private provider may offer the service. Clubs often have themes, for example, gymnastics, languages, homework clubs or free play.

School holiday schemes

School holiday schemes provide care for children aged three to 14 years. They take place at various venues, usually operating between 8am and 6pm.

Contact us

Gateshead Families Information Service 
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 5118

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