Tynedale House submission of offers
Submission of offers
1. Financial Offer
The submission should clearly state the capital sum (exclusive of VAT) being offered to Gateshead Council for the site. This must be your best offer for the site. The Council is not bound to accept the highest offer made, or any offer, and will accept no responsibility for any costs incurred by any party in connection with their submission of an offer whether successful or not. The capital sum offered should reflect any conditions attached and these should be clearly stated. Offers will be reported to the Council at the earliest available date. Interested parties will be notified of the Council's decision as soon as possible after that time.
2. Supporting Information
A. Details of the person(s) or company that is offering to purchase the freehold interest. For a company, you should include details of the full company name, registration number, registered address and contact details for the individual submitting the offer. For individuals, you should include details of your name, address and contact details;
B. The applicant must provide detailed information to confirm their funding arrangements not only for the acquisition, but also any refurbishment or redevelopment proposed;
C. Description of the proposals and where relevant any indicative drawing(s);
D. Details of the overall timescale required to complete the transaction.
Please note the Council accepts no responsibility for any expenditure incurred by an interested party in relation to the submission of an offer.
Delivery of offer
Offers should be submitted in a sealed envelope using the address label (PDF, 18 KB)(opens new window). All offers should be delivered to Civic Centre at the following address no later than 24 April 2024 at 12noon.
Office of the Chief Executive
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
All offers need to be submitted using the submission of offers form (PDF, 50 KB)(opens new window).
Disposal Terms
The property is shown edged red on the plan.
The site is approximately 0.37 ha (0.91acres) in extent.
The site will be sold freehold with or without the existing buildings (depending whether the demolition will go ahead prior to completion of the sale)
The purchase is subject to all existing covenants and rights of way.
The purchaser will be required to obtain all necessary Planning and Conservation Area and Building Regulation Consents where applicable.
Each party is to bear its own costs in connection with this transaction.
The Council will expect the preferred bidder to adhere to a strict timescale for the sale of the site. The Council will expect the preferred bidder to adhere to a strict timescale for the sale of the site. Any sale will be conditional upon planning permission for the change of use if necessary.