Biodiversity Net Gain, guidance for developers and ecological consultants
Discharging the Biodiversity Gain Plan (BGP) Condition
Development cannot be commenced until the mandatory BGP condition has been discharged.
An application to discharge this condition can only be made on the day after planning permission is granted and there is an 8 week determination period. It is therefore recommended that developers wishing to start on site as soon as possible after being granted planning permission have their Biodiversity Gain Plan drafted in advance.
To discharge the condition, the following information must be submitted:
- a completed biodiversity metric
- a Biodiversity Gain Plan setting out how the biodiversity gain objective of at least a 10% gain will be met for the development
- for habitat being created on the development site, a Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan setting out how the habitat will be managed for at least 30 years, and how this will be monitored
- pre-development and post-development plans showing the location of on-site habitat
- if the developer is purchasing units from a Habitat Bank - the reference number from the Biodiversity Gain Sites Register
- if the developer is purchasing statutory credits - proof that they need them and proof of purchase
Templates for the Biodiversity Gain Plan (opens new window) and for the Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan (opens new window) have been created by Natural England and these must be used unless otherwise agreed with the LPA.