Validation requirements
Part 3, Class N (Specified Sui Generis (amusement arcades and casinos) to C3 Residential)
Considerations Class N:
- Transport and highways impacts of the development
- Contamination risks in relation to the building
- Flooding risks in relation to the building
- Design and external appearance of the building
- Provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of the dwelling houses
Refer to Part 3, Class N and Paragraph W of the GPDO 2015
Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 2015 (as amended) (opens new window)
Document requirements:
- Plan indicating the site and showing the proposed development.
- A statement specifying the net increase in dwelling houses proposed by the development ("net increase in dwelling houses" is the number of dwelling houses proposed by the development that is additional to the number dwelling houses on site immediately prior to the development).
- A floor plan indicating the total floor space in square metres of each dwelling house, the dimensions and proposed use of each room, the position and dimensions of windows, doors and walls, and the elevations of the dwelling houses.
Flood Risk Assessment where in Flood Zone 2 or 3 and Flood Zone 1 (in critical drainage area)