Land off Barlow Road

Land off Barlow Road - plan

Land off Barlow Road 1

Land off Barlow Road 2

Land off Barlow Road 3

Land off Barlow Road 4

Land off Barlow Road - plan 2

Land off Barlow Road - plan
The site is located within the village of Barlow which is within the borough of Gateshead and situated between High Spen and Winlaton. Barlow is approximately 9 miles West from Gateshead town centre and approximately 6 miles South from the Metrocentre.
The site is just off Barlow Road located at the junction with Barlow Crescent. The site offers easy access to the A694 and A695 allowing good connections with Gateshead, Newcastle, Corbridge, Hexham, Durham and the Metrocentre.
Local amenities can be found in the nearby areas of Winlaton, High Spen and Rowlands Gill.
The site is just off Barlow Road located at the junction with Barlow Crescent. The site was previously used for grazing of horses but is now vacant and overgrown. There is a small area of hardstanding within the site leading from the existing access off Barlow Road. The timber boundary fencing to the north and western boundary is in poor condition. There is a bus stop adjacent to the northern boundary off Barlow Road.
The site can be directly accessed via Barlow Road or Barlow Crescent. The site offers good links connecting to the the A694 and A695.
Blaydon Railway Station is approximately 4km to the North-East and offers routes to Newcastle and Hexham. Newcastle Railway Station is approximately 12km to the North-East and offers
routes to London and Edinburgh.
Newcastle International Airport is approximately 15km to the North and it provides flights to national and international destinations.
The council has produced a Development Framework to assist in establishing parameters for the development of the site.
The site is also located within a charging zone for the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) within Zone A at a starting charge rate of £60 per square meter of residential floor area. We recommend viewing more information around CIL and how the indexation is applied.
Possible Section 106 Agreement: Ecological Survey work depending on outcome of assessments. Applicant may be required to fund the upgrading of the bus stop to a shelter on the
north side of Barlow Road to encourage use of sustainable transport.
The council offers a dedicated pre-application advice service, providing advice aimed at helping submit a complete and accurate planning application which complies with the relevant plans, policies and guidance.
If you require further information on the pre-application process, please email
Historic Ordnance Survey plans between 1895 and 1960's show the site was originally used as a reservoir for the local Water Company. As part of the council land contamination strategy the site has been assessed as being located on potentially contaminated land priority, category 3, from previous development. An 11KV (to check with Northern Powergrid) overhead electricity cable runs from the eastern boundary of the site towards the northern boundary and across Barlow Road.
The historic Barlow Fell quarry which is understood to have been operational until the 1930's is located to the northeast of the site, and is considered to have been backfilled with
'unknown' potentially contaminated material backfill.
The site has been assessed and inspected as part of the Council's Contaminated Land Strategy and has been assessed as being located on potentially contaminated land from previous development and surrounding potentially contaminative historic site uses. The site lies within a Coal Authority defined Development High risk area, with probable shallow coal seams. Mineshafts are located within 100m both northeast and southeast of the site.
This indicates that this was a former coal mining area and as such there is the additional possibility of any made ground present on the site containing colliery waste fill. The Coal
Authority will need to be consulted as part of any forthcoming planning application for the change of use.
Legal title / covenants
Our records show that Northumbrian Water have reserved rights to inspect and maintain an underground water pipe that is located within the site located to the northern and western boundary.
The site will be sold subject to all and any existing covenants, easements, restrictions, wayleaves, rights of way, and so on affecting the site. The purchaser must satisfy themselves in relation to any covenants or other matters affecting the site.
Rights of Way, Wayleaves and Easements
The sale is subject to all rights of support, public and private rights of way, water, light drainage, and other easements, all or any other like rights, whether mentioned in these particulars or not.
The land is registered to the Borough Council of Gateshead with absolute freehold title under title number TY398883. The property is to be sold freehold with vacant possession.
Method of sale
We are offering the freehold for sale by Informal Tender, with vacant possession on completion. Offers are invited on a conditional basis (conditional on grant of planning permission for the proposed development).
It is understood that all major services are present within or close to the edge of the site. It is the responsibility of prospective purchasers to confirm the extent of the services, their availability and suitability, with the relevant utility service providers.
Land off Barlow Road particulars and submission of offer form (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)
Barlow Road Contamination and Mining - site information (PDF, 573 KB)(opens new window)
Enquiries and viewings
For all enquiries and viewings please contact Panayiotis Herodotou on 07522 621 946 /
All offers should be delivered to the Civic Centre in a sealed envelope using submission of offers form.