Pay your Council Tax
You will need
- your account number
- a credit or debit card
Payment made before 4.30pm Monday to Friday will be shown on your Council Tax account the next working day. Payment made after 4.30pm or at any time on a Saturday or Sunday will be shown on your Council Tax account after two working days.
Other payment options
By Direct Debit

We can offer multiple options for Direct Debit including weekly, fortnightly, or monthly on the 1st, 10th, 20th, or 25th. Monthly payments can be collected over 10 or 12 months.
All Direct Debits are covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee. You may be charged by your bank if a council tax Direct Debit is declined, if this happens Gateshead Council will be unable to refund any bank charges.
If you already pay your Council Tax by Direct Debit and want to amend your bank details, please set up a new one. Setting up a new Direct Debit will automatically cancel the previous one. You will receive a new Council Tax bill when it has been set up.
By phone
Pay with your debit card by phone (or by touchtone) 24 hours a day by calling 0800 052 3455. Due to payment security our advisors are unable to take debit or credit card payments.
At your bank, telephone or internet banking
Quote your 8 digit account number as a reference. Payment should be made to:
Gateshead MBC Council Tax
Sort code: 20-59-42
Account number: 83543617
If you are making a payment from abroad and need our International Bank Account Number (IBAN) reference, please use the following:
IBAN: GB08BARC20594283543617
By cheque
Payable to Gateshead Council. Write your Council Tax account number on the back of the cheque and post to:
Resources and Digital, Civic Centre, Regent Street, Gateshead, NE8 1HH.