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Our commissioning approach for adults, children and families in Gateshead - commissioning priorities 2024-2025

3. A Gateshead system approach to Autism

Gateshead Council is working with NHS and voluntary sector partners to refresh and strengthen the strategic approach to Autism, including a new multi-agency strategic group and a renewed commitment to the participation and representation of people of all ages with lived experience. This participation and representation will depend on support from expert voluntary organisations locally and regionally.

The council has identified funding to secure expert engagement, development and writing of a new whole system all age autism strategy for Gateshead. This project commences in early 2024, with a final draft strategy expected in the Autumn. This strategy will draw heavily on ideas and experiences of local children and adults with autism and wider communities, whilst also reflecting on national policy on Autism. The strategy will be all age in scope and have a planned life of 5 years, with a mid-term review.