Our commissioning approach for adults, children and families in Gateshead - commissioning priorities 2024-2025
4. SEND and alternative education provision
It is proposed to develop and implement a new commissioning plan for SEND and Alternative Education Provision during 2024 and beyond. This will enhance the range and choice of educational provision for children and young people who need an alternative to a mainstream education. The commissioning plan will include a review of the current alternative provision and SEND provision in Gateshead and will respond to the national policy drivers to develop a local alternative education strategy.
An alternative provision may be required due to a child or young person being permanently excluded, or at risk of being permanently excluded, from their chosen school. The need for alternative provision may also be due to a child or young person's medical needs, mental health, trauma experience or due to a special educational need which requires an intensive assessment period or a more specialist provision to a mainstream school to meet the identified need.
The plan will address priorities and challenges relating to education and support for children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) and those whose needs are best met through alternative education provision.
The commissioning approach will guide the review and redesign of models of learning and support and the consequent re-configuration and/or re-procurement of services including:
- dedicated local provision for young people excluded from or temporarily unable to attend mainstream schools
- the introduction of Assessment Hub provisions for the Early Years, Primary and Secondary phases to support schools in meeting the needs of children and young people who require intensive assessment, support and intervention in a time measured placement to be successfully reintegrated into their 'home' school
- additional Resourced Mainstream Provisions - review of the current ARMs provisions based in our primary and secondary schools to identify gaps in provision and areas of need
- dedicated local provision for our most complex young people who currently access 1+ banding funding or out of area placements
- improving Local Area systems for the allocation of placements/provisions out of area (currently an NE12 portal which will cease in May 2024 with the need for local authorities to develop their own systems)
- improving access to and waiting times for NHS therapy and clinical services for children with SEND needs, as part of Education, Health and Care Plans (ECHPs)
Implementation of the commissioning Plan will incorporate:
- review of delivery models and performance of existing contracted services including the costs/price uplifts for independent SEND Schools
- review of the Service Level Agreements for the existing ARMs provisions including the funding arrangements in comparison to other local authorities
- review of the Service Level Agreements for all contracts with independent SEND provisions including the associated costs
- review of the Service Level Agreements for our current alternative provisions to ensure that they are fit for purpose and that they address the current needs of the children who attend
- review of the arrangements for Home and Hospital provision and commission new arrangements to ensure that the service is cost effective and high quality
- review of models of best practice in SEND and alternative education provision regionally and nationally
- engagement with young people, families, communities and local stakeholders
- make or buy options for the re-provision of education and support, with re-procurement where appropriate. eg SEND Support Services and outreach funding models
A new full time Commissioning Officer post has been established to lead and co-ordinate this priority area.