Our commissioning approach for adults, children and families in Gateshead - commissioning priorities 2024-2025
10. Information, advice and signposting
These services are the focus of statutory obligations under the Care Act. Information and signposting are key components of effective prevention and are often used in conjunction with social prescribing, strengths-based practice and population health initiatives.
In Gateshead there are no commissioned IAS services particularly for adult social care or demand management and the council's own signposting at the ASC front door is not specifically focused on community based, prevention services. Any databases supporting such an approach are very limited at present. The council does not operate an information and signposting or wellbeing focused website directly. There is a local website operated in the voluntary sector fulfilling some the information and signposting role around preventative community services.
The new expansion of community based, volunteer led opportunities and activities arising from the NDTi programme will depend on comprehensive and accessible information and signposting. This area is also likely to be in focus during an upcoming CQC assurance visit.