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Our Adult Caregivers Strategy

The Caregivers Partnership Board has developed a new strategy which reflects the current needs of adult caregivers in Gateshead. This is a joint Council and North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) Strategy.

Young Carers told us they wanted a separate strategy that was specific to their needs. A Gateshead Young Carers strategy is currently in development.

Consultation activity for the new strategy took place between 2021-2023, and a panel of caregivers were recruited to shape the scope and direction of the new strategy.

In the Adult Caregivers Strategy, the word 'caregiver' is used to describe someone who provides unpaid care. Most respondents to the Gateshead Carers Association 2020 survey (60%) did not like being referred to as 'carers' because 'carer' is often used to describe paid care workers. Members of the Partnership Board suggested caregiver as an alternative, as it emphases the 'giving' of time and care in a voluntary capacity.

The Partnership Board is made up of members from across the Gateshead System including: ICB, Caregivers Services, Voluntary Organisations, Healthwatch, Adults and Children's Social Care, and Health Trusts.

Following engagement with caregivers and consultation with the Partnership Board, five new strategic priorities were outlined:

  • information and advice
  • valuing caregivers
  • money and finances
  • employment and education
  • health of caregivers

View our Adult Caregivers Strategy 2024-2029

Download the strategy as a pdf (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)

Download the Easy Read document. (PDF, 10 MB)(opens new window)