Housing report 2023
Maintaining your home
We have continued to focus on improving the repairs and maintenance service during this year, including reviewing the way we deal with damp and mould problems in your home.
We have worked with a focus group of tenants to review our Repairs and Maintenance Policy. This sets out the service you can expect from our repairs and maintenance service, including the responsibilities of us and our customers. Thank you to everyone who took part in the focus groups or completed the online survey.
Did You Know in 2023/24:
- we completed over 56,000 routine repairs
- we received 9,458 responses to our repairs survey - 84% of those tenants who replied were satisfied with their most recent repair
- we kept 93% of the repair appointments made
- 89% of repairs were completed right first time
- 78% of damp and mould reports were successfully resolved
Tenants can report repairs in a variety of different ways, and in 2023/24 we carried out improvements to My Housing Account, to make it simpler to report repairs. Between June 2023 and 31 March 2024, 4,510 works orders were raised from repairs logged on My Housing Account (opens new window).
This year we will continue to focus on improving the time it takes to complete a repair and dealing with damp and mould problems.