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Housing report 2023

Complaints and feedback

In 2023/24 we received and responded to 429 stage 1 complaints, and 56 stage 2 complaints. We also received 73 compliments. The Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code sets clear timescales for landlords responding to stage 1 and 2 complaints, and we:

  • responded to stage 1 within timescale (10 days) - 29%
  • responded to stage 2 within timescale (20 days) - 71%

Our Tenant Satisfaction score for complaint handling was 26%.

Improving our approach to complaint handling is clearly an area we need to focus on. In response, our Resident Influence Panel commissioned a tenant scrutiny review of stage 1 complaints. Their recommendations were fully endorsed, and we are currently working to establish a new specialist Housing Complaint's team to deliver an enhanced service.  We will keep you updated with progress.

Main themes from complaints received included:

  • time taken to complete a repair
  • condition of estates and communal areas
  • our approach to dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour
  • boundary maintenance
  • keeping customers updated about progress with their service request
  • unsatisfactory response to a service request.

Tenants who are dissatisfied with our approach to resolving a complaint can refer the matter direct to the Housing Ombudsman Service. During 2023/24 we received a total of 4 Housing Ombudsman determinations. The key themes from these determinations included our response to:

  • complaint handling
  • reports of damp and mould
  • record keeping

You can read more in our Annual Housing Complaints report 2023/24.