Financial allowances for kinship carers

Many prospective carers are concerned about how they will afford to support an extra child/children in their household.
Kinship foster carers for Gateshead Council receive a weekly allowance paid into their bank. The amounts are set and depend on the age of the child. A percentage of this can be used towards household running costs and additional activities. The allowance will also be expected to be used for food and clothing. Allowances are reviewed yearly. Your social worker will be able to give you up-to-date figures for current allowances.
Payments for children under a Child Arrangement Order (CAO) or Special Guardianship Order (SGO) can be different to those under the kinship foster carer arrangement. You may receive an allowance - however, this is usually means-tested after a financial assessment of your income and outgoings.
If a private fostering arrangement has taken place without the involvement from the local authority - whereby a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if the child has a disability) lives for 28 days or more in the care of someone who is not the child's parent(s), a person with parental responsibility for the child or a relative of the child, the child is not 'looked after' by the local authority and an allowance may not be paid.
Contact us
Kinship Care Team
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 3195