Home education
We support your right as a parent to choose to home educate your child. This does need to be done with a full understanding of the responsibilities that this includes.
Schools should work with you to try and address any issues or concerns that may have arisen leading you to make this important decision.
Once removed from school:
- you are not entitled to claim for free schools meals
- you will receive no financial support for home education, this includes funding towards exam fees, resources and tutors
- we can signpost to websites for example but we will not provide any education for children who are home educated
- you will be expected to be able to evidence the education you are providing
- if you are not able to evidence that a suitable education is being provided, the local authority will work with you to put your child back into school
- you do not need to be a qualified teacher to educate your child at home
- you must make sure your child receives a full-time education from the age of five but you don't have to follow the national curriculum.
- any special educational needs your child may have must be recognised
- in most instances, you do not need permission to educate your child at home, but you do need to notify the school in writing if you're taking your child out of school
- you will need to notify the local authority if you are removing your child from a special school
- you do not need to observe school hours, days or terms
- you do not need to have a fixed timetable or give formal lessons
- there are no funds directly available from central government for parents who decide to educate their children at home
You can find out more about home education on the Gov.uk website (opens new window)
Elective Home Education Strategy 2020 - 2025 (PDF, 227 KB)
Home Education - guidance for parents (PDF, 406 KB)
If you do intend to home educate please contact ehe@Gateshead.gov.uk or call 0191 433 8745 or 07742 505059.
In the first instance we would ask schools to keep children and young people on roll if they are subject to a Care Plan or Children in care (CiN) plan until a discussion has taken place with the Elective home education (EHE) Officer.
Please refer to the Education Support Service including School Admissions Privacy Notice which also refers to Elective Home Education.