Minor Variation
Apply to make a minor variation to your premises licence
It is possible to make small changes to your premises licence or club premises.
A minor variation is defined as one that could not impact adversely on any of the four licensing objectives. The four licensing objectives are:
- The prevention of crime and disorder
- Public safety
- The prevention of public nuisance
- The protection of children from harm.
Who can apply
The current premises licence holder. An Agent or Solicitor can also submit the application on their behalf.
What can you apply to change
The process may be used for changes such as:
- small changes to the structure or layout of a premises;
- the addition of authorisation for late night refreshment or regulated entertainment (such as performance of plays or film exhibitions);
- small changes to licensing hours (but not for extension of sale of alcohol hours);
- removal and or amendments to out of date, irrelevant or unenforceable conditions
- addition of volunteered conditions.
What cannot you apply to change under a minor variation
The Minor Variations process cannot be used to:
- add the retail or supply of alcohol to a licence
- extend licensing hours for the sale or supply of alcohol at any time between 11pm and 7am;
- increase the amount of time on any day during which alcohol may be sold by retail or supplied;
- extend the period for which the licence or certificate has effect;
- transfer the licence or certificate from one premises to another, or vary substantially the premises to which it relates
- specify, in a premises licence, an individual as the premises supervisor;
- add the sale by retail or supply of alcohol as an activity authorised by a licence or certificate; or
- disapply the mandatory conditions relating to a designated premises supervisor (there is a separate process by which community premises can apply for this).
The application fee is £89.
What you will need to apply
You will need to complete a minor variation application form on the Gov.uk website.
If you are making structural changes then you will also need to provide a new plan.
Apply online
Applications can be made online on the Gov.uk website (opens new window).
What happens once you have submitted your application
We will email you an acknowledgement confirming we have received your application.
You must advertise your application through a white notice.
We will email you a template notice when we acknowledge your application.
You must display the notice for a period of 10 working days starting on the working day after the minor variation application was submitted to us.
Once we receive your application there is a 10 working day consultation period for comments from the public or other responsible authorities. This begins on the first working day after we have received your application.
We may consult with any or all of the responsible authorities as appropriate and consider any comments received.
Once this period has elapsed, we must decide on your application within 15 working days, beginning on the first working day after we received your application, and confirm whether the minor variation is granted or your application has been refused. We consider whether your variation could impact adversely on the licensing objectives.
If your application is refused
There are no grounds for appeal against decisions on minor variation applications.
Please note there is no refund of the application fee if your minor application is refused.
You will need to consider whether you wish to submit a full variation application.