Full Variation
Apply to make a major change (full variation) to your premises licence
If you want to make a significant change (variation) to your premises licence then you will need to make an application.
Please note if the changes that you need to make don't affect the licensing objectives, it may be possible for you to apply for a minor variation which is a quicker and cheaper process. Please refer to our webpage on minor variation for further information.
Who can apply
The current premises licence holder. An Agent or Solicitor can also submit the application on their behalf.
What can you apply to change
The process may be used for changes such as:
- the hours of a permitted licensable activity
- adding or removing licensable activities
- amending, adding or removing conditions on a licence
- altering any aspect of the layout of the premises which is shown on the plan
What cannot you apply to change under a full variation
The full variations process cannot be used to:
- extend a time limited premises licence;
- transfer the licence or certificate from one premises to another;
- transfer the licence to someone else (there is a separate application for this)
- change the designated premises supervisor (there is a separate application for this); or
- disapply the mandatory conditions relating to a designated premises supervisor (there is a separate process by which community premises can apply for this)
The application fee is variable.
The fee you pay is determined by the rateable value band your premises is in.
You can find information on rateable value of your premise on the Gov.uk website.
Band | Non-domestic rateable value | Application fee |
A | £0 - £4,300 | £100 |
B | £4,301 - £33,000 | £190 |
C | £33,001 - £87,000 | £315 |
D | £87,001 - £125,000 | £450 |
E | £250,000 + | £635 |
There are additional fees applicable to Band D and E premises where they are exclusively or primarily in the business of selling alcohol as well as for premises where the maximum number of persons allowed on the premises is 5000 or over. If this applicable to your premises please contact Licensing for further information before submitting your application.
What you will need to apply
You will need to complete a full variation application form.
If you are making structural changes then you will also need to provide a new plan.
Before applying
Before applying for a premises licence we recommend that you read the government guidance and the Council's Statement of Licensing Policy.
You may also wish to seek your own independent legal advice.
You should consider how you will promote the four licensing objectives which are:
- the prevention of crime and disorder
- public safety
- the prevention of public nuisance
- the protection of children from harm
Apply for a full variation
Apply to vary a premises licence
What happens once you have submitted your application
We will email you an acknowledgement confirming we have received your application.
Also attached to the acknowledgment email will be a template notice. You must advertise your application through notices.
You must:
- publish a notice in a local newspaper in the area which the premises is situated. The notice must be published on at least one occasion within 10 working days of submitting your application; and
- display a notice on A4 (or larger) size pale blue paper in a prominent position immediately on or outside the premises. The notice must be printed legibly in black ink or typed in size 16 font or larger. The site notice must be displayed for at least 28 consecutive days from when you submit your application. Please note that if your premises covers an area of more than 50 metres square, you will need to display further notices every 50 metres along any external perimeter of the premise that opens onto a highway or a street.
Please note there are costs for publishing your notice and we would suggest you make enquires directly with the locally circulated news to obtain a price before submitting your application.
Failure to comply with these requirements may result in your application having to start again.
There is a 28 day consultation period for comments from the public or other responsible authorities. This begins on the first working day after we have received your application.
Representations can be made to the Licensing Authority within that time by any of the Responsible Authorities. Representations may also be made by anyone who has an interest in the application providing the representation meets at least one of the four licensing objectives. Those objectives are:
- the prevention of crime and disorder
- public safety
- the prevention of public nuisance
- the protection of children from harm
Each application is determined on its own merits.
If no relevant representations are received during this period, the application will be deemed granted after the last date for representations and your new licence will be issued and sent out to you.
If relevant representations are received within the 28 day consultation period we will see if mediation can take place. If not or if mediation is unsuccessful, then a hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee will be held to determine your application. You will be notified in writing telling you when the hearing will be, who has made a representation and what that representation is.
Such a hearing will be held within 20 working days after the last date for representation, unless it is deemed in the public interest to extend this date.
If your application is refused
Any applicant, Responsible Authority or person making representation is able to appeal our decision to a Magistrate's Court within 21 days of the notice of decision.
Please note there is no refund of the application fee if your full application is refused.