Friends Like Us: Friends of Central Library
Come along for a chat with the Friends of Central Library as we take part in different activities and enjoy a cuppa! All welcome, including those with carers.
Getting together for a chat and a cuppa is good for our wellbeing. Sit down with tea and a biscuit and join the Friends of Central Library for a good old chat and various activities. If the weather is kind we will meet in the library garden. Everyone welcome - especially people living with dementia and their supporters.
Friday 14 February: Flower Power - create pepper pot flowers
Friday 14 March: It's Spring - craft felt animals
Friday 11 April: It's Easter Time - make Easter cards and decorate jars
Friday 9 May: Time to travel? - Europe day-maps showing everyday items we eat and use
Free event. No need to book, just turn up
For further information please call 0191 433 8410 or email