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What to do after a planning decision

Once you have your planning permission you should read through the conditions attached to it. There may be a requirement for you to submit more information to the local planning authority to discharge conditions prior to being able to start on site, which are known as pre-commencement conditions. 

You may be looking to make amendments to your permission. For minor alterations, this can be done through the submission of a non-material amendment

It is important to note that you are likely to need to make a separate application to building regulations before you start the works to your property. This is a separate process as building regulations focuses on the safety of people in and around the building. The main aim is to ensure the safe construction and use of the building. This is a separate process to planning. Find out more about building control. 

Planning conditions and when you need to discharge them

Typically, you will have a condition which outlines that you have three years to start the development that has been approved and an approved plans conditions which lists the plans which form part of the permission. You may also have a condition which requires you to construct your extension of matching materials. These are what are known as compliance conditions which you must adhere to for your planning permission to be valid. If you adhere to them, there is not a requirement for you to submit any more information to the local planning authority.

However, attached to some permissions you may see a condition which is asking for you to submit additional information to the local planning authority before you start your development, or pre-commencement conditions. An example of this could be requiring you to submit samples of the materials that you proposed to use for the construction of your extension. There are several reasons why conditions which require discharge would be attached to a planning permission. 

To discharge conditions from you planning permission, you will need to make a 'discharge of conditions' application. It's the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the requirements of all conditions are met in full. The conditions will outline specific points in your development when details should be submitted to us for approval.  

For example: 

  • you must comply with some conditions before development starts
  • others regulate how the work is undertaken or actions needed before a building is occupied or used

You should allow plenty of time for your submissions be considered and approved (discharged) by us. We aim to give a response on all discharge of condition requests within 8 weeks and no later than 12 weeks. 

Amending your planning permission

Non-material amendment

An application for a non-material amendment means there's no need to submit a new planning application if only a small change is proposed. A non-material amendment, if approved, would form an amendment to the original planning permission. This would be subject to the conditions and time limit of the original permission. It would not form a new planning permission.

Whether a proposed amendment is 'non-material' will depend on the circumstances of the case. We will use the following criteria to come to a decision as to whether it's an acceptable application for a non-material amendment:

  • if the proposed change is significant in terms of its scale, for example size or degree in relation to the original approval
  • if the proposed change would result in a detrimental impact either visually or in terms of amenity
  • if the interests of any third party or body who participated in or were informed of the original decision be disadvantaged in any way

Proposals that do not comply with the above criteria are unlikely to be treated as a non-material and would be refused, meaning that you would have to re-apply for planning permission for the proposed changes.

Find out more about flexible options for planning permissions

Appealing a decision after a planning application has been refused if you are the applicant or agent

If your planning application has been refused you are able to appeal the decision. Planning appeals are assessed by the Independent Planning Inspectorate.  Make a planning appeal.

Challenging or changing a planning permission if you are not the applicant

If you made representations against a planning application, these will have been considered by the officer as part of their assessment. There is no third-party right to appeal in the planning process. Should you be unhappy with a decision that has been made you can make a complaint to us.