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About Prevent

Prevent is a part of the UK's counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST Prevent helps to protect society from terrorism by supporting people who are at risk of radicalisation and offering them appropriate interventions. 

Radicalisation means someone is being encouraged to develop extreme views or beliefs in support of terrorist groups and activities. There are many different types of radicalisation and Prevent deals with all of them. 

In Gateshead, we deliver Prevent in partnership with our local communities, police, and a range of statutory partners and organisations. The local response to Prevent is both focused and proportionate to risk, with commitment among the statutory partners to take decisions in an informed, transparent, and open manner with clear accountability to local communities. Our purpose is to reach the small number of people who are susceptible or vulnerable to being drawn into terrorist-related activities. 

The government's  Prevent page explains the strategy in more detail.


If someone is at risk of radicalisation, they should be referred to Prevent's support programme, Channel. Channel is confidential and voluntary, and offers support including: 

  • mentoring 
  • mental health support such as counselling 
  • education or career development support 
  • online safety training for parents 

Threat levels

Threat levels are designed to give a broad indication of the likelihood of a terrorist attack: 

Low - an attack is highly unlikely 

Moderate - an attack is possible, but not likely 

Substantial - an attack is likely 

Severe - an attack is highly likely 

Critical - an attack is highly likely in the near future 

You can see the current threat level on the MI5 website. 

What you can do

Members of the public are advised to always remain alert to the danger of terrorism and report any suspicious activity to the police via telephone on 999 or via the anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321.

If you see online material promoting terrorism or extremism, you can report it online.

If your information does not relate to an imminent threat, you can also contact MI5.