Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2022/23- 2026/27
Appendix 2 - investment plan
The Council's capital investment plans are set out in the capital strategy and programme, with the latest approved programme covering the period between the 2021/22 and 2025/26 financial years. The effective use of capital resources, including asset management, is fundamental to the Council achieving its medium- and long-term strategic objectives. Capital investment has a significant impact upon the local economy and helps to ensure that the Council can continue to provide the best possible services and outcomes within Gateshead.
All capital investment decisions will have implications for the revenue budget. The revenue costs over the lifetime of each proposed capital project are considered when the project is being developed to ensure that the impact can be incorporated within the council's financial plans and to demonstrate that the capital investment is affordable. Revenue implications may include the costs associated with supporting additional borrowing as well as any changes to the running costs associated with the asset or wider benefits to the council such as the delivery of ongoing revenue budget savings or additional income through the generation of business rates, council tax or energy revenues.
The Council continues to explore external funding possibilities when developing capital projects to minimise the borrowing requirement as far as possible. Within the MTFS, assumptions have been made around the level of external funding in the future, but detailed work programmes will not be committed to until the allocations have been confirmed. Projects and investment plans may therefore be re-prioritised depending on the availability of external funding.
The generation of capital receipts can help to provide resources to support additional capital investment or can help to reduce the borrowing requirement and therefore the cost to the revenue budget. The generation of capital receipts to support the capital programme has historically been challenging, representing low land values and high remedial costs due to land contamination. It is currently assumed that £1m p.a. will be achieved through capital receipts and further consideration is needed into how the few potentially higher value sites can be brought forward to achieve improved capital receipts to support the delivery of capital schemes.
Significant challenges and priorities for the Council's capital investment over the medium term that are set out in the Council's key strategies include:
- investing in assets to enable the Council to meet its key objective of Making Gateshead a Place Where Everyone Thrives
- investment in housing to ensure the supply of housing best meets current and future needs and aspirations to create thriving, mixed communities throughout Gateshead
- investment to achieve the Council's climate change aspirations
- continuing to regenerate the Gateshead Quays and Baltic Business Quarter area as part of the Council's Accelerated Development Zone, working with our development partner to build upon the successful delivery of iconic projects such as the Sage Gateshead and Baltic to create a significant new mixed-use development to help unlock economic growth and generate additional business rates and raise the profile of Gateshead
- continuing to support the regeneration of Gateshead Urban Core to deliver a centre with the stature and vibrancy of a city and continuing to invest in improvements to local centres across Gateshead
- improving the council's corporate ICT infrastructure, equipment and systems to improve connectivity, security and resilience and ensure that the council remains fit for the future and can provide services as efficiently and effectively as possible
- investing in strategic infrastructure to support growth within Gateshead. This includes investment in areas such as transport infrastructure to provide an integrated transport system which meets demand and improves connectivity and accessibility as well as investment in the Council's schools to help increase capacity
- investing in the provision of energy infrastructure to support the expansion of the Town Centre District Energy network to provide lower cost, lower carbon energy to support regeneration and economic development, generate income and provide long term resilience against rising energy prices
- meeting essential health and safety and mandatory obligations, such as Equality Act improvements, to improve the accessibility and sustainability of council owned assets
The financial planning framework provided by the MTFS will provide the context for a council investment plan that will inform the allocation of resources within the capital programme.