New Leaf ASP Ltd
For the vast majority of young people in school it is an amazing experience, a place where they develop many of the life skills needed for their future. For some learners however this is not that case and they become disengaged from the education system. This can be the result of a long list of situations and this can be disruptive for the whole school in achieving their goals.
New Leaf ASP can offer schools help and support with engaging this disengaged few. They offer a vocational outplacement service that will develop a plan tailored for the circumstances of each individual young person support the individual in a work placement opportunity monitor and report progress of the individual to the school on a regular basis provide one to one support toward qualifications. They provide a fully managed vocational outplacement service for Schools.
They start with a comprehensive induction for each learner where they will understand their preferences for work experience, establish a suitable placement opportunity and support them through the application process.
Once in placement New Leaf ASP will support each person with a detailed learning plan to develop them in the workplace. All New Leaf's work placements are thoroughly vetted through an enhanced DBS check and are continuously monitored and reviewed to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students. All our DBS checks are through a registered company, with whom they hold a database with that schools and Ofsted can view at any time. They engage fully with the school at all stages in the process to make sure that they are fully aware of the progress being made with each young person.
At the end of the placement they will work with the young person, school and employers to develop an employment plan which will help them plan for full time employment.
New Leaf ASP are a professional and experienced team and they have a proven track record from 2012 of engaging learners. They have built up the trust of learners and school commissioners alike and take pride in providing a great service. Their experience has helped young people into full time employment and for others it has provided the confidence to seek out the career for them.
At the heart of what they do is a real desire to make a difference to the lives of young people. They believe passionately that early work experiences will set them on the right path toward a brighter future and in doing so they offer a valuable service to the schools.
New Leaf ASP care deeply about the future of every young person they work with.
Suitable ages ranges
New Leaf ASP work with children aged 11 to 18 years old.
Qualifications available
Children can gain the following qualifications:
- Functional skills entry Level 3
- Level 1 & 2 Maths, English and ICT
- Other qualifications available on request
About the teaching
Students can attend from locations across the North East.
Teaching is delivered typically with a ratio of 1 teacher to 6 students.
Start times are negotiable. Students can attend between 1 and 5 days per week for a maximum of 18 hours. Schools remain the main educator.
Transport is not provided.
ALD are able to provide urgent placements.
The length of programme can be adapted to what is required for each student.
Prices start from £65 per day. Pupil in receipt of free school meals can be provided food/refreshments.
How to apply for a place for a student
Schools or local authorities can contact New Leaf and a referral application is to be submitted.
Contact with schools
Once a student has began their placement, schools will receive a daily confirmation on attendance/non-attendance.
They also provide termly reports and hold meetings with schools.
Other relevant information
Ofsted registered
New Leaf have current public liability cover and insurance certificates are displayed.
They also have current employee liability cover.
New Leaf have a compliant safeguarding policy in place which is reviewed yearly.
Pre-employment checks are carried out in line with guidance.
The provision has a designated safeguarding lead and there is regular training for all staff at the provision.
Health and safety
New Leaf have a health and safety policy in place with a designated member of staff trained to Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) standard.
They have full risk assessment for the premises and carry out regular fire drills which are recorded.
They have all required first aid equipment in place in line with RIDDOR procedures (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013).
Data protection
New Leaf have a data retention policy in place which is reviewed regularly. Staff also receive regular training.
They have a privacy notice in place that explains how they collect, use and protect people's personal data.
Compliments and complaints
There is a compliments and complaints policy and procedure in place.
Orchard House Unit 7 And 7A
37/39 Orchard Street
United Kingdom 580 2233