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Housing complaints performance and service improvement annual report 2023/2024

Section 5 - Housing Ombudsman Service

In 2023/2024, the council received 4 determinations by the Housing Ombudsman. Determinations are the number of cases decided upon by the Housing Ombudsman.

In those 4 determinations, the council received 8 findings. Each category on a determined case has one finding. A complaint could have multiple findings and the findings in these cases were as follows:

  • severe maladministration - the most severe failings will result in a finding of severe maladministration.
  • maladministration - when there was a failure which has adversely affected the resident.
  • no maladministration - the Housing Ombudsman finds no maladministration where the landlord acted in accordance with its obligations and policies/procedures. Minor failings may have been found but these caused no detriment to the resident.

In case 1, there were 3 findings of severe maladministration. The findings of severe maladministration related to the council's handling of reports of damp and mould, complaint handling and record keeping. This was a complex case dating back to 2018. Since then, the council has a new and robust approach to cases of damp and mould and has revamped it's complaints process to ensure it's compliant with the HO's complaint handling code.

In case 2, there were 2 findings of maladministration. These findings related to the council's handling of a repair and complaint handling.

In case 3, there were 2 findings of maladministration. These findings related to the council's handling of water ingress and complaint handling.

In case 4, the Housing Ombudsman found that there was no maladministration.