Volunteer It Yourself CIC

Our proposal covers the delivery of 3 community facility refurbishment and transformation projects located across Gateshead. At the heart of the delivery model, the refurbishment works on the projects will be undertaken by a team of local young volunteers aged 14-24 who are socially excluded and/or economically inactive/unemployed and face other barriers accessing support. They will learn and apply vocational trade skills on the job whilst being mentored by, and working alongside, professional tradespeople (a mix of local volunteer mentors and Volunteer It Yourself (VIY) lead mentors). Each young volunteer will have the chance to gain Entry Level 3 City and Guilds trade skills accreditations, as well as to receive support in progressing to employment and further/higher-level training opportunities, including apprenticeships, beyond the end of their VIY experience.
Programme manager: Matt Mellor
Email: matt@teamviy.com
Phone: 07544 854 193
Senior programme director: Dee Dee Whelan
Phone: 07380 298 248
Website: Volunteer It Yourself