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SEND activities directory

Young Women's Outreach Project


The Project was set up in 1992 and is based in central Gateshead on Gladstone Terrace.

They recognise that society is fundamentally unequal for young women, their service is set up to address the unmet needs of young women and young mothers, existing underlying longterm social, health and economic inequalities disproportionally and significantly are a major barrier to young women fulfilling their potential to live a good life.

They support young women through single or complex issues occurring in their lives. Most young women are referred to us from schools, children and young people service, social services, midwives and family nurse partnership, anyone can refer into the Project, even young women themselves.

Attendance is voluntary embedding their values of personal choice and control.

Contact information 

Phone 0191 477 7759




Young Women's Outreach Project

12 Gladstone Terrace



Other information 

Cost: no cost

Referral required: yes


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