LGA Peer Challenge of Adult Social Care
To help prepare for the forthcoming Care Quality Commission (CQC) assurance framework, we invited the Local Government Association to undertake an independent peer challenge of Adult Social Care in Gateshead in March 2024.
The focus was an independent perspective on how prepared the Department are for a Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection under the new assurance framework, and how well Gateshead is delivering Adult Social Care services for its residents.
The team of peer reviewers were on-site at Gateshead for three days from the 19 March 2024. In arriving at their findings, the peer team:
- held 30 interviews and discussions with over 150 different people including Councillors, officers, partners, people with lived experience, and carers
- read a range of over 200 documents provided by Gateshead Council, including a self-assessment
- completed 5 case file audits and spoke to 7 Carers and people with lived experience
- spent approximately 220 hours with Gateshead Council; the equivalent of 29 working days
The Challenge Report (PDF, 427 KB)(opens new window) focussed on the 4 key themes of the CQC Assurance Framework:
- Working with people
- Providing support
- Ensuring safety
- Leadership
The outcome of the Peer Review was very positive, with strong leadership across Integrated Adults and Social Care Services recognised, evidence of strengths-based approaches being embedded, recognition of the ambitious data driven transformation programme, and a direction of travel towards commissioning for outcomes.
An Action Plan (PDF, 560 KB)(opens new window) has been developed which combines the actions identified in the Integrated Adults and Social Care Services annual strategy review with the actions identified from the Peer Challenge.
On behalf of Integrated Adults and Social Care Services we would like to thank the Local Government Association (LGA) and their Adult Social Care Peer Challenge Team. Their invaluable insights have guided our path forward. We would also like to thank all colleagues and those that access care and support who participated in the peer challenge, including elected members, officers and local partners from across the borough. Their engagement has been instrumental in helping to shape our approach to improvement.