January 2025 committee papers and agendas
Due to a temporary technical issue we are unable to add committee papers and agendas in the usual location. See committee papers for w/c 20 January 2025.
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Councillors' register of interests

The Localism Act 2011 requires councillors to register 'disclosable pecuniary interests'. The Council, on 19 July 2012, adopted a Code of Conduct (PDF, 200 KB)(opens new window) which also requires declaration of 'other pecuniary interests' as defined.

The Register of Interests is maintained by the Monitoring Officer. Details of each councillor's declaration can be found on their individual webpages..

For further information regarding this issue, please contact Mike Barker, Strategic Director, Corporate Services and Governance on 0191 433 2100 or email mikebarker@gateshead.gov.uk