Temporary traffic controls
Highway works often need temporary traffic controls. This will depend on the nature, duration and location of the works.
Visit GOV.UK publication - safety at street works and road works (opens new window) for guidance on what is likely to be appropriate in different circumstances, along with our .
In many cases, "stop / go" boards will be enough to control traffic and our advance consent is not normally required.
We must be told what type of temporary traffic management is proposed as part of the process for applying for the street works licence (or informing us of the works, in the case of a public utility company).
We reserve the right to issue directions.
Where temporary traffic signals are required, you should be aware of the national regulations and guidelines relating to the use of temporary traffic signals, as well as our street works protocol relating to street works.
As highway authority, we have statutory powers of intervention to ensure the efficient operation of our highway network. This includes the deployment and operation of temporary traffic signals.
The Temporary Traffic Management Consultation Guidance will help you decide the extent of any consultation required in different types of circumstances.
We will inform the emergency services when we consider it necessary. You will still need to address any concerns they may raise as well as consult all other stakeholders.
If you think the work you are proposing to undertake is likely to require some form of traffic control, whether temporary traffic signals or stop / go boards, you will need to complete a separate form for this purpose in advance. Visit traffic signals for guidance and forms.
Statutory undertakers may be able to notify or apply to us via EToN instead - you will be aware if this is the case.