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Emergency planning in Gateshead

We have a role in responding to a range of incidents either, as part of normal operations or as part of a specific response framework. This may be in partnership with or in support of the emergency services and other organisations.

There is however a number of ways that you can prepare for an emergency or at least mitigate the effects of an incident. If you are in danger, always call 999 for assistance.

Response Framework

We will manage emergencies via protocols detailed in our Emergency Response Plan through a three tiered emergency response management structure:

  • Strategic
  • Tactical
  • Operational

Strategic level management will be provided by the Chief Executive and Strategy Group or in her absence an officer with delegated authority. The scale of the incident will determine whether this level of command is activated.

Tactical level management ensures that the actions taken by the operational level are coordinated, coherent and integrated in order to achieve maximum effectiveness and efficiency.  The tactical level of command within the council will be the responsibility of the Emergency Response Team and will be lead by a senior officer in the role of Incident Controller.

Operational management will be provided by senior officers with responsibility for specific areas of Council service delivery which may be called upon to respond in an incident.

Contact us

Gateshead Council
Regent Street

0191 433 3000
24 hour emergency number 0191 477 0844