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Power cuts

Call 105 in the event of a power cut

105 is the number to call if you have a power cut. It's easy to remember and will put you through to your local electricity network operator - the company that manages the wires and substations that bring electricity into your home.

Find out more

Preparing for a power cut

As a power cut can happen anywhere and at any time without warning, it's a good idea to be prepared. Northern Powergrid provide a wide range of information and advice for customers who may be more vulnerable to a loss of electrical power, which can be found on the Northern Powergrid website (opens new window). This includes specific user friendly guidance (PDF, 359 KB)(opens new window) to help you plan in advance to take care of yourself and your friends and family during a power cut.

If your power goes off:

  • avoid opening the freezer door to protect your frozen food, which can usually last up to 15 hours
  • turn off and unplug any non-essential electrical equipment 
  • leave one light switched on, so you know when the power returns
  • keep warm by staying in one room and wearing several layers of clothing 
  • limit the use of your laptop or smart phone to retain battery power
  • keep an eye on any elderly or ill neighbours 
  • never leave candles burning or heating appliances switched on in unoccupied rooms 

After the power cut:

  • check your circuit breaker
  • if there has been a storm or emergency situation, stay away from fallen lines, flooded areas and debris to stay safe
  • if using your own generator, please be careful to follow safe operating procedures. Never run it inside your home 

For information about applying for priority services for those who may be most vulnerable during a power cut, visit the Northern Power Grid website (opens new window).


Northern Power Grid (opens new window) - 0800 668877

Always call 999 in an emergency.


Contact us

Gateshead Council
Regent Street

0191 433 3000
24 hour emergency number 0191 477 0844