Apply for a postal vote
Postal vote applications
Postal vote applications should be made online via GOV.UK (opens new window).
You need to be registered to vote to apply for a postal vote.
You must be able to provide your National Insurance number, your date of birth and your 'wet ink' signature.
A wet ink signature is a physical handwritten signature that you will need to photograph or scan and save on your device. You will then be able to upload this to the application form.
If you are unable to provide your National Insurance number, or if your identity cannot be verified with Department for Work and Pensions records, you will need to provide documentary evidence to prove your identity. This could be a copy of your passport or photo driving licence.
Paper applications
If you cannot apply online, then you can complete and return the postal vote application form (PDF, 164 KB) to us at the address below.
Changes to the renewal period for postal vote applications
Following changes introduced by the Elections Act 2022, voters are now required to renew their postal vote application every three years.
All postal voters who completed a postal vote application form before 30 January 2024 will be required to renew their postal vote application no later than 31 January 2026.
Postal votes will be limited to a maximum of three years, following which you will need to make a new application. We will contact you by email or by letter with information on how to reapply for your postal vote.
For further information visit Electoral Commission - changes to postal voting (opens new window)
Contact us
Electoral Services
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 7001