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Annual canvass

Making sure your details are correct on our electoral register is vital if you are to vote in any local or national elections. That's why every year we send you a form with members of your household listed, for you to check and let us know if there have been any changes. This process is what we call the annual canvass.

From August 2024, we will be sending out a letter to every household in Gateshead.

Households will be sent either a confirmation letter which they only need to respond to if there are changes to report or they will be sent a canvass letter which they must respond to, regardless of whether there are any changes to report. The letter will tell you if you need to respond.

The information you provide will enable us to send a separate individual registration form to all the people in your household who are eligible and need to register. Those who are eligible can also register online at Gov.UK - register to vote (opens new window)

If you need to respond, get in touch straight away, your options are:

If you do not need to make changes you can also confirm your details are correct by using our automated services:

  • freephone 0800 197 9871
  • text 80212

If your letter tells you that you need to respond and you don't, a canvasser will knock at your door - house to house enquiries will take place during October 2024.


    Contact us

    Electoral Services
    Gateshead Council
    Civic Centre
    Regent Street
    NE8 1HH

    0191 433 7001