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Workforce equality, diversity, and inclusion policy

Our workforce commitments

The Council commits to:

  • understanding our workforce through data and analysis
  • developing our workforce to create an inclusive culture
  • creating transparency and scrutiny to enable service improvement
  • providing a clear and consistent approach to supporting our workforce through the development of supportive frameworks
  • outlining guidance in relation to action that may be taken if a Council employee is alleged to or is proven to have acted in a manner which makes any employee feel that they are not equal, not included, or different
  • ensuring that any form of unlawful direct and indirect discrimination, victimisation or harassment in employment practice and service delivery is unacceptable
  • supporting the fair and transparent application of employment policies and procedures
  • meeting our statutory Public Sector Equality Duty, which is a duty on public authorities to consider how their policies or decisions affect people who are protected under the Equality Act 2010