Adult Social Care Local Account 2023/24

What we have done during 2023/24

Our focus for adult social care has been on managing demand, meeting the challenges of the adult social care reform, addressing workforce shortages and on improving the delivery of services. Key achievements against our service priorities are shown below.

Prevent, Reduce and Delay the need for support: Information and advice

  • strengthened our offer of good and accessible advice and information
  • revised our webpages to be engaging and informative
  • strengthened co-production and opportunities to provide feedback on our services and engage through easy access online feedback
  • developed our Front Door offer moving towards helping prevent needs and provide solutions at the first point of contact

Prevent, Reduce and Delay the need for support: Homefirst, promoting independence through enablement and technology

  • opened the new Sister Winifred Promoting Independence Centre
  • developed a new Supported Living Scheme enablement model for those transitioning from children to adults and need additional support to gain independence
  • grew and strengthened our PRIME service to offer more enablement opportunities for those accessing services
  • started a review of our day service provision offer
  • piloted innovative tech solutions which support reduction in those waiting to access our services

Caregivers and the Voice of People and Communities

  • developed baseline of strength based practice
  • reviewed our assessment documentation to further embed strength-based practice into our practice model
  • worked directly with care givers to develop a new adult caregivers strategy and action plan
  • improved online content to make information and advice relating to caregivers accessible to all
  • worked with caregivers to improve our carers assessment process
  • provided more opportunities for people to give feedback on our services and engage with us through easy access online feedback

Workforce and Commissioning

  • established and embedded an Employee Engagement Forum
  • reviewed and improved our staff benefits and wellbeing offer
  • developed and embedded director connect and collaborate sessions with the workforce
  • provided opportunities for development and career pathway opportunities for the sector
  • developing a joint approach to the wider care and health workforce to create better integration and opportunities for the health and social care workforce in Gateshead
  • started a review of the care market to help shape our offer