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Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan 2024-2054

Local policy context

3.1 The HRA Business Plan is set within a wider strategic context of the overall ambitions of the council and those of the Housing Service.

3.2 Strategic approach

3.2.1 The council's strategic approach, Making Gateshead a Place Where Everyone Thrives provides a framework to demonstrate how the council will work and make decisions.

3.2.2 Thrive is underpinned by five key pledges:

  • putting people and families at the heart of everything we do
  • tackling inequality
  • supporting our communities to support themselves and each other
  • investing in our economy to provide sustainable opportunities for employment, innovation and growth
  • work together and for a better future for Gateshead Council

3.2.3 The HRA Business plan supports the delivery of these pledges.

3.3 Health and Wellbeing Strategy

3.3.1 The Health and Wellbeing Strategy identifies clear outcomes to support the delivery of "Gateshead Thrive". Housing is identified as one of the wider determinants of health and can play a vital role in the long-term health and wellbeing of an individual.

3.4 Housing Strategy

3.4.1 The Housing Strategy identifies clear housing objectives and priorities, puts forward a vision for housing in Gateshead, and sets a framework for how the council will deliver services and interventions, and work in partnership with others, in a way that will help achieve those objectives. It includes three overarching strategic objectives:

  • sustainable housing and economic growth
  • sustainable neighbourhoods
  • improved health and wellbeing

Read the HRA Asset Management privacy notice

3.5 HRA Asset Management Strategy

3.5.1 The HRA Asset Management Plan sets out the council's approach to managing the housing related assets held in the Housing Revenue Account. It covers a range of activities that will ensure that the housing stock meets the needs of residents and the standards required, both now and in the future. Its key aims are:

  • delivering decent homes
  • maximising energy efficiency
  • ensuring compliance
  • regeneration of estates and assets
  • investment in it infrastructure
  • developing new homes

3.6 Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

3.6.1 The council's Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy aims to eradicate rough sleeping in Gateshead, make homelessness a rare and one-off occurrence, and achieve positive outcomes for anyone who is homeless. The HRA will help to support delivery of this strategy through the provision of much needed new affordable homes, and in contributing to the delivery services to support and realise sustainable tenancy solutions for those who may be at risk of homelessness.

3.7 Housing Development Strategy

3.7.1 The Housing Development Strategy confirms priority actions to be undertaken over the next five years to maximise housing supply on existing and new sites. This strategy also aligns with the council's medium-term position and investment plan.

3.8 Tenancy Strategy and Allocations Policy

3.8.1 The Tenancy Strategy together with the Allocations Policy will help to deliver on the strategic aims of the Housing Strategy. It will ensure statutory and regulatory compliance by ensuring our properties are let in a fair, transparent and efficient way, make best use of our stock, reduce the amount of time properties are empty, address under occupation and overcrowding and to meet our strategic housing needs, including homelessness.

3.9 Resident Influence Strategy

3.9.1 The Resident Influence Strategy and Framework has been developed within the context of a national regulatory framework. The Regulator of Social Housing sets four Consumer standards that applies to all registered social landlords including local authorities. The Tenant Involvement and Empowerment standard is one of the four Consumer standards. It sets out clearly the requirement that registered providers shall ensure that tenants are given a wide range of opportunities to influence and be involved influencing decisions, shaping policies, and recommending service improvements.