Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan 2024-2054
Risk assessment
6.1 A comprehensive financial risk assessment has been undertaken to ensure that all risks and uncertainties affecting the council's HRA financial position are identified. These will be reviewed each year as part of the refresh of the HRA Business Plan. The key strategic financial risks to be considered are as follows:
Risk | Risk management | Likelihood | Impact |
Inflation (negative risk) | HRA balances are risk assessed and budget contingency built into the annual cost to ensure variations in inflation rates can be managed. | Moderate | Medium |
Interest rate increases (negative risk) | Interest rates in the plan have been forecast to decrease over the medium term assuming they will not stay at the current higher rates. | Moderate | Medium |
Rent and service charges (negative risk) | Lower than anticipated rent increases would require reductions in spending plans within the plan and need to reassess the assumptions. | Unlikely | High |
Stock investment (negative risk) | HRA Asset Management Strategy to be considered alongside this plan. The investment plan is based upon stock condition information. Stock viability assessments are undertaken. There is additional coverage in the plan to deal with cost increases or additional expectations. | Moderate | High |
Right to Buy sales (negative/positive risk) | RTB assumptions are adjusted annually based on the prior year trend. There is a tapering assumption built into the plan. | Moderate | Low |
Anticipated savings/ efficiencies are not achieved (negative risk) | Regular monitoring and reporting takes place. The cumulative impact over the medium term may make savings in the later years more challenging. | Moderate | High |
Welfare support (negative risk) | The impact of the welfare support changes continues to be planned for and monitored through the Council Scrutiny Framework. | Likely | Medium |
Legislative change (negative risk) | Ongoing tracking and horizon scanning in relation to emerging policy and legislation and an annual review through the business plan updated. | Moderate | High |
Inspection outcome (negative risk) | Creation of an inspection team and self / external assessment against the consumer standards to identify areas for improvement. Improved assurance through reporting to Members and tenants as appropriate. Delivery and embeddedness of the Housing Improvement Programme. | Unlikely | High |