Mum tells how being fostered saved her life as promotional film launches

Courtney, a mum from Gateshead, is telling her story about growing up in foster care as a new film launches to show how fostering can be a rewarding experience for the whole family.
"Fostering can change everything" is the powerful message of a new short film produced by councils across the UK, including Gateshead Council.
The 'Everything' film, produced in partnership with over 100 local authorities, showcases one fostering household's journey over decades. The film tells the story of the lasting relationships the children have with their carers into adulthood and the significant role birth children play as part of a fostering household.
Inspired by the film, Courtney has shared her story on how being fostered in Gateshead by Val has turned her life around.
Courtney's story
At age 15, Courtney was going off the rails. Her relationship with her family had irretrievably broken down, leaving her with no home and no one to turn to.
Courtney was in a dark place and could not see a good future. However, that was all about to change after she met foster carer Val Prince.
"I was at rock bottom," said Courtney Choppen, now aged 26, who lives in Gateshead. "I was getting into trouble; I wasn't going to school, and I was mixing with the wrong people.
"Had it not been for Val taking me under her wing I genuinely believe I would not be here today. She saved me, I have no doubt of that. I owe my life to Val and her husband Gordon."
Being 15 years old is difficult enough for most teenagers, but to not have a loving, supportive family around makes it doubly hard, as Courtney explains:
"When I first came into foster care it wasn't a bed of roses - not for me or for Val. Trust was a huge issue for me, and I couldn't understand how this total stranger would want to take me in, care for me and make things better.
"It took a while for me to learn to trust, but Val was great. She always speaks honestly, and I respect that. I wasn't interested in education, but she persisted and got me back into school, and after a while a light bulb switched on in my head. If I wanted to change my life, then I needed to take this opportunity to do so."
After getting all her GCSEs, Courtney went on to sit her A Levels and began a social work degree at university.
But things were about to change again, after discovering, aged 19, that she was expecting a baby.
"I panicked," said Courtney. "How could I possibly be a mother when I hadn't ever really had a mother myself? All through the pregnancy I was worried I'd fail my child like my mother failed me. She never bonded with me as a baby, and I was convinced I would be the same.
"But Val was there, and she was my rock. Despite leaving home to start university Val and Gordon supported me, and it was this emotional support which got me through. When Ivy was born, I felt such a huge rush of love. I knew I could do it."
However, life was about to throw another curve ball at Courtney as an infection in her abdomen put her in intensive care just days after the birth, leaving her drained and needing to recover in hospital for weeks.
Again, Val stepped into the breech and looked after little Ivy, who is now six years old, while her mother recovered.
"They bonded instantly," said Courtney. "I see Val as my mum now, and Ivy definitely sees her as her Nanna. We couldn't be closer. I am so lucky to have Val in my life. She could have said goodbye to me at 18 when I became an adult, but she didn't. She took me and my daughter into her family and now I utterly understand what it is to be part of one. I am bringing Ivy up on my own, but I know Val is just down the road and is there for me, and I am there for her. I know I will give my daughter what I never had and that's all thanks to Val."
Courtney is now back at university in her third year of a nursing degree, and wants to specialise in trauma care, helping others just like her. She is also keen on becoming a foster carer when Ivy is older. "I know being fostered has made me who I am today. I am unrecognisable from the person I was at 15. I absolutely know I want to do the same for others, just like Val has done for me.".
Val's story
Undoubtedly, Courtney's life was turned around by being fostered by Val.
Val, 71 from Bill Quay, along with husband Gordon, aged 62, has been fostering with Gateshead Council for 14 years, after leaving a high-powered career which was no longer giving her fulfilment.
She said: "It is the best thing I have ever done becoming a foster carer. I had no idea what one was, but I saw a poster advertising to work with the council and I rang up. That was the day that my life changed. I like finding solutions to problems and helping people with issues they are experiencing. I have to be doing things, and I knew this was right for me."
Val estimates she has looked after over 40 children in her time as a foster carer and over 90 percent of these now grown-up children are still regularly in touch. "It is like having a big extended family," Val adds. "I am close to many of them, and of course in particular with Courtney and Ivy. They are my family, and I am immensely proud of the mother and person she has become.
"I would say to anyone who is considering fostering - just do it. The council is there to support you, and you will never be left to cope on your own. It is the most rewarding experience I have had in my life; I just wish I had done it sooner."
Could you foster with Gateshead?
Helen Fergusson, Strategic Director for Children's Social Care and Lifelong Learning at Gateshead Council, said:
"This extremely moving film serves as a reminder to anyone interested in becoming a foster carer about the positive lifelong effect and invaluable support you can give. Foster carers help our children to progress successfully into adulthood and achieve wonderful things, so please do come and work with us.
"There are over 500 cared for children in Gateshead but there is a shortage of local carers, so it's more important than ever that we find more foster carers to be able to support our local children and young people and nurture them so that they can thrive.
"Fostering with Gateshead Council means you will have an excellent support system at your fingertips. When a child in Gateshead needs to spend some time in foster care then our foster carers are the first people to be contacted. You also benefit from the joined-up way we work in Gateshead, where there is very close communication between fostering supervising social workers, the children's social workers and our specialist services for children in care, which includes a support network of foster carers. All foster carers benefit from significant tax breaks too.
"I would urge you to pick up the phone or email us and help give stability to those children who may not have had this before."
For more information about becoming a foster carer with Gateshead, visit our Fostering pages.

Courtney, a mum from Gateshead, is telling her story about growing up in foster care as a new film launches to show how fostering can be a rewarding experience for the whole family.
"Fostering can change everything" is the powerful message of a new short film produced by councils across the UK, including Gateshead Council.
The 'Everything' film, produced in partnership with over 100 local authorities, showcases one fostering household's journey over decades. The film tells the story of the lasting relationships the children have with their carers into adulthood and the significant role birth children play as part of a fostering household.
Inspired by the film, Courtney has shared her story on how being fostered in Gateshead by Val has turned her life around.
Courtney's story
At age 15, Courtney was going off the rails. Her relationship with her family had irretrievably broken down, leaving her with no home and no one to turn to.
Courtney was in a dark place and could not see a good future. However, that was all about to change after she met foster carer Val Prince.
"I was at rock bottom," said Courtney Choppen, now aged 26, who lives in Gateshead. "I was getting into trouble; I wasn't going to school, and I was mixing with the wrong people.
"Had it not been for Val taking me under her wing I genuinely believe I would not be here today. She saved me, I have no doubt of that. I owe my life to Val and her husband Gordon."
Being 15 years old is difficult enough for most teenagers, but to not have a loving, supportive family around makes it doubly hard, as Courtney explains:
"When I first came into foster care it wasn't a bed of roses - not for me or for Val. Trust was a huge issue for me, and I couldn't understand how this total stranger would want to take me in, care for me and make things better.
"It took a while for me to learn to trust, but Val was great. She always speaks honestly, and I respect that. I wasn't interested in education, but she persisted and got me back into school, and after a while a light bulb switched on in my head. If I wanted to change my life, then I needed to take this opportunity to do so."
After getting all her GCSEs, Courtney went on to sit her A Levels and began a social work degree at university.
But things were about to change again, after discovering, aged 19, that she was expecting a baby.
"I panicked," said Courtney. "How could I possibly be a mother when I hadn't ever really had a mother myself? All through the pregnancy I was worried I'd fail my child like my mother failed me. She never bonded with me as a baby, and I was convinced I would be the same.
"But Val was there, and she was my rock. Despite leaving home to start university Val and Gordon supported me, and it was this emotional support which got me through. When Ivy was born, I felt such a huge rush of love. I knew I could do it."
However, life was about to throw another curve ball at Courtney as an infection in her abdomen put her in intensive care just days after the birth, leaving her drained and needing to recover in hospital for weeks.
Again, Val stepped into the breech and looked after little Ivy, who is now six years old, while her mother recovered.
"They bonded instantly," said Courtney. "I see Val as my mum now, and Ivy definitely sees her as her Nanna. We couldn't be closer. I am so lucky to have Val in my life. She could have said goodbye to me at 18 when I became an adult, but she didn't. She took me and my daughter into her family and now I utterly understand what it is to be part of one. I am bringing Ivy up on my own, but I know Val is just down the road and is there for me, and I am there for her. I know I will give my daughter what I never had and that's all thanks to Val."
Courtney is now back at university in her third year of a nursing degree, and wants to specialise in trauma care, helping others just like her. She is also keen on becoming a foster carer when Ivy is older. "I know being fostered has made me who I am today. I am unrecognisable from the person I was at 15. I absolutely know I want to do the same for others, just like Val has done for me.".
Val's story
Undoubtedly, Courtney's life was turned around by being fostered by Val.
Val, 71 from Bill Quay, along with husband Gordon, aged 62, has been fostering with Gateshead Council for 14 years, after leaving a high-powered career which was no longer giving her fulfilment.
She said: "It is the best thing I have ever done becoming a foster carer. I had no idea what one was, but I saw a poster advertising to work with the council and I rang up. That was the day that my life changed. I like finding solutions to problems and helping people with issues they are experiencing. I have to be doing things, and I knew this was right for me."
Val estimates she has looked after over 40 children in her time as a foster carer and over 90 percent of these now grown-up children are still regularly in touch. "It is like having a big extended family," Val adds. "I am close to many of them, and of course in particular with Courtney and Ivy. They are my family, and I am immensely proud of the mother and person she has become.
"I would say to anyone who is considering fostering - just do it. The council is there to support you, and you will never be left to cope on your own. It is the most rewarding experience I have had in my life; I just wish I had done it sooner."
Could you foster with Gateshead?
Helen Fergusson, Strategic Director for Children's Social Care and Lifelong Learning at Gateshead Council, said:
"This extremely moving film serves as a reminder to anyone interested in becoming a foster carer about the positive lifelong effect and invaluable support you can give. Foster carers help our children to progress successfully into adulthood and achieve wonderful things, so please do come and work with us.
"There are over 500 cared for children in Gateshead but there is a shortage of local carers, so it's more important than ever that we find more foster carers to be able to support our local children and young people and nurture them so that they can thrive.
"Fostering with Gateshead Council means you will have an excellent support system at your fingertips. When a child in Gateshead needs to spend some time in foster care then our foster carers are the first people to be contacted. You also benefit from the joined-up way we work in Gateshead, where there is very close communication between fostering supervising social workers, the children's social workers and our specialist services for children in care, which includes a support network of foster carers. All foster carers benefit from significant tax breaks too.
"I would urge you to pick up the phone or email us and help give stability to those children who may not have had this before."
For more information about becoming a foster carer with Gateshead, visit our Fostering pages.