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Corporate Plan 2023 - 2028

Putting people and families at the heart of everything we do

Gateshead is a place that offers opportunities for all residents to live healthy and fulfilled lives and achieve their ambitions. This starts by giving all children the best start in life.

In doing so improve outcomes and opportunities for all. We will think long-term and adopt a preventative approach in determining our response to local need. The aim being to have access to services for those who need them, social care where required, alongside population health improvements for all.

This will require the wider Gateshead health system and partners to empower good health outcomes across the life cycle.

We will provide integrated and targeted family support where it is needed and reduce risks of harm to young people.

With an increasing older population, it is essential we ensure people start life well, live fulfilling lives and enjoy later life in good health. We will work with health partners and agencies to develop strong delivery plans tailored to local need.

We want residents to be able to make informed decisions over their life and will ensure information and advice if available and accessible. This will promote independence through enablement; promote independence through technology; be based on strength base practice; all with a home first prioritisation.