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Planning peer challenge 2024


During 2024, we requested a planning service peer challenge as part of our desire to deliver continuous improvement. This challenge, in the form of a review of our planning-related functions, was independently undertaken by the Local Government Association (LGA) with the Planning Advisory Service (PAS).

The peer challenge was not an inspection. The challenge was delivered in a constructive and enabling way that helps us identify strengths and areas where improvements might be made to support our wider planning objectives.

As part of their challenge, the LGA/PAS team toured the district and carried out a series of interviews and workshop events. They also observed meetings of our planning regulatory committee.

The LGA/PAS final report considers that our planning service is 'performing very well in many areas'. The report includes many positives. It also includes a list of recommendations which will enable us to improve further.

As a result of these recommendations the Local Planning Authority at Gateshead has identified some priority action areas:

  • prioritise high-quality major projects that deliver the right development, in the right place that is right for Gateshead, line with political, corporate and policy expectations
  • deliver a fair, clear, transparent and efficient decision-making process
  • develop a high-quality pre-application service that is designed to meet user needs
  • maximise the benefits of in-person interaction whilst maximising self service when appropriate
  • adopt a risk-based approach when aiming to deliver a more effective service when balanced against other competing priorities
  • adopt a digital and data-led approach to service delivery, monitoring and performance
  • embed climate into decision-making processes, to proactively influence the reduction of carbon production across the council, Gateshead and the wider region, working towards carbon neutrality and building climate resilience for communities.
  • prepare and monitor the performance of the statutory Gateshead Local Plan, plan documents and guidance, to deliver sustainable places, growth and development through effective consultation and engagement with our communities and stakeholders
  • work collaboratively with neighbouring authorities where appropriate to progress the Local Plan and to ensure strategic cross-boundary priorities are properly coordinated and reflected in individual local plans
  • consultations are now taking place with key stakeholders to further refine these priority action areas, which will then be embedded into delivery plans for the service

Download Planning peer challenge 2024 as a PDF (PDF, 368 KB)(opens new window)