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MetroGreen is an ambitious project to transform brownfield land surrounding the Metrocentre into a thriving sustainable new urban community with residential neighbourhoods as well as commercial and leisure facilities and a network of green spaces and routes for pedestrians and cyclists.

MetroGreen Area Action Plan

We are preparing an Area Action Plan (AAP) for MetroGreen which will guide future sustainable development in the area. The MetroGreen AAP will form Part 4 of our Local Plan. The 2015 adopted Planning for the Future Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan sets the strategic framework for this AAP. It is essential that the AAP is robust and underpinned by the most up to date evidence. The evidence base can be found in the evidence library.

MetroGreen scoping report

We consulted on the MetroGreen Scoping Report in October 2014 notifying all interested parties of our intention to prepare an AAP inviting comments on what it should contain. The MetroGreen Final Scoping Report and Consultation Feedback Report can be viewed in the evidence library.

MetroGreen options report

The MetroGreen Options Report sets out different options for where housing and commercial development would be located as well as key infrastructure. The MetroGreen Options Report and Consultation Feedback Report can be viewed in the evidence library. In response to consultation feedback further evidence base studies have been undertaken.

MetroGreen baseline

Comprehensive technical studies have been undertaken for different topic themes to inform a baseline report (PDF, 12 MB)(opens new window) which provides a concise summary of the site constraints and opportunities at MetroGreen.  The baseline report provides the detail and analysis to inform the option development and testing.

MetroGreen option development and testing

We consulted on the MetroGreen preferred spatial option and sustainability appraisal between 3 August 2020 and 25 September 2020.  The feedback from the consultation will inform the MetroGreen Area Action Plan Draft Plan. The MetroGreen preferred spatial option consultation feedback report (PDF, 190 KB)(opens new window) and plan (PDF, 493 KB)(opens new window) can be found in the evidence library.  

MetroGreen AAP Draft Plan

Gateshead Council asked to hear your views on policies set out in the MetroGreen AAP Draft Plan (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window).  A Sustainability Appraisal has been carried out on the Draft Plan.    

Consultation on the MetroGreen AAP Draft Plan and Sustainability Appraisal ran from 26 February to 15 April. 

The approach to the consultation, key points raised, and proposed changes to the MetroGreen AAP are set out in the Consultation Feedback Report (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window). The feedback from this consultation will inform the MetroGreen AAP Submission Plan Draft Plan. 

Next steps

  • MetroGreen AAP Submission Draft Plan
  • MetroGreen AAP Examination 

Further information on MetroGreen can be found on the MetroGreen page of Invest Gateshead (opens new window).

Contact us

Spatial Planning and Housing Strategy
Development and Enterprise
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 3000