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Planning peer challenge 2024

6.0 Implementation, next steps and further support

6.1 It is recognised that Gateshead Council and the planning service will want to consider and reflect on these findings.

6.2 To support openness and transparency, we recommend that the Council shares this report with officers and that they publish it for information for wider stakeholders. There is also an expectation that the Council responds to the findings and recommendations in the report with an action plan, publishing this alongside the report itself.

6.3 Where possible, PAS and the LGA will support councils with the implementation of the recommendations as part of the Council's action plan. A range of support from the LGA and PAS is available on their websites.

Some specific areas of support that the authority might wish to look at includes:

6.4 Gateshead Council are also invited to discuss ongoing PAS support with Martin Hutchings, Principal Consultant, and any corporate support with Mark Edgell, of the LGA:

6.5 As part of the LGA's peer review Challenge impact assessment and evaluation, PAS and the LGA will contact the Council in 6-12 months' time to see how the recommendations are being implemented and the beneficial impact experienced.

6.6 The author of this report is Judith Hurcombe (, on behalf of the peer challenge team.

6.7 This report was finalised in agreement with the Council in 2024.

6.8 We are grateful for the support of everyone that contributed to this review.