School Admission Arrangements for September 2026
Starts: 4 November 2024
Ends: 13 December 2024
Gateshead Council is consulting with parents, schools, diocesan bodies, Governors and local authorities on all aspects of the Council's admission arrangements and any proposed changes to school admission arrangements for September 2026 and beyond.
Rowlands Gill Primary School - Proposed decrease in published admission number (PAN)
The council is proposing to reduce the current PAN for each year group (Reception to Year 6) from 60 to 30 and reducing the school capacity from 420 to 210.
The school will therefore operate as one form of entry from September 2026.
Numbers in the school have been steadily decreasing over the last 7 years, with Reception admissions over the past 5 years being less than 30, suggesting that one form of entry would be sufficient to accommodate demand.
Reducing the PAN at Rowlands Gill Primary School will assist the school's Governing Body to provide stability in its long-term planning.
Redesignation of Colegate Primary school's catchment area
Following the decision to close Colegate Primary School, the school's current catchment area needs to be redesignated to other local schools. Taking into account historical admission trends the catchment area has been divided between Lingey House Primary School, Windy Nook Primary School and The Drive Primary School. The changes are shown on the attached Site and Catchment Boundary maps.
Have your say
Please send any comments on the school proposals or proposed admission arrangements to Ian Stewart by Friday 13th December 2024: |
By Email: By Post: Ian Stewart, Education Support Service, Dryden Centre, Evistones Road, Gateshead, NE9 5UR |
Admissions Policy 2026 - Primary (PDF, 149 KB)
Admissions Policy 2026 - Secondary (PDF, 113 KB)
Admissions Scheme 2026 - Primary (PDF, 235 KB)
Admissions Scheme 2026 - Secondary (PDF, 213 KB)
Planned Admission Numbers 2026 - Primary (PDF, 84 KB)
Planned Admission Numbers 2026 - Secondary (PDF, 14 KB)
Consultation Document - Rowlands Gill Primary School (PDF, 114 KB)
Site and Catchment Boundary - Lingey House Primary School (PDF, 2 MB)
Site and Catchment Boundary - The Drive Primary School (PDF, 1 MB)
Site and Catchment Boundary - Windy Nook Primary School (PDF, 1 MB)
Ian Stewart
0191 433 8591