Brownfield Register September 2023
Under the Housing and Planning Act, the Council must keep a register of brownfield land suitable for housing development, and update it at least once a year. The government believes that this will "increase transparency for developers and communities" and help encourage investment in local areas.
The register comprises Part 1, which includes all sites which have been identified, and Part 2, which comprises those sites which have been granted Permission in Principle (PiP) (similar to an Outline Planning Permission) for the number of homes that the Register states the site can accommodate.
Where there is a Permission in Principle, only a limited range of detailed aspects would remain to be decided through a Technical Details Consent. The council has begun to publish development briefs for each site which is to be included in Part 2. At the moment only three sites are included in Part 2. The spreadsheet and map include all the sites in Part 1 and Part 2.
The register only includes brownfield sites suitable for development of at least five homes, which we think can be developed in the next fifteen years or so.
Choice of sites on the register
Part 1 of the register includes a high proportion of the sites which we have allocated in Making Spaces for Growing Places (MSGP), our land allocations and development management policies development plan document (DPD), which came into force on 1st February 2021.
Our latest information, used for proposing the sites, comes from the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Update 2023. It takes account of all available information about land suitable and available for housing, including the call for sites we carried out in autumn 2022, sites which landowners and others have put forward in response to the draft MSGP, planning permissions granted, and all the information we can gather from contacting landowners and developers and looking at the land the Council owns.
Additional information included in the register
The notes column has been used to add information to help interpret information in the earlier columns, including, particularly, the application number of any planning permission for the site, and any information which could help understand how a planning permission affects what could be built on the site.
Three additional columns have been added to show whether the site is allocated in a statutory development plan, the allocation number of the site in that plan, and if the site is allocated for housing or mixed use. Development Plans in place for Gateshead are on this website.
The Register
Gateshead brownfield register (Excel doc, 32 KB)(opens new window)
Brownfield sites tool
The Brownfield sites tool (opens new window) allows users to start to assess the opportunities and see the most significant potential constraints affecting the individual sites.
The Register and the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)
The main source for the most recent changes to the Brownfield Register is work for the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Update 2023.
This includes sites which have arisen since the 2022 SHLAA Update, for example new planning permissions. Sites from this Update have been included on the Register where they fit the rules for what is included, except that a few sites have not been included because there has not been enough progress in developing them for them to be considered available.
The SHLAA Update can be used as an extra source of information about sites on the Brownfield Register. It shows constraints which could affect the amount of development, or type of development, or layout, which might be appropriate.
More detailed work is being carried out for many of the sites and the results included in Development Briefs which will be available for sites when they are included in the Brownfield Register Part 2, or in the forthcoming MetroGreen Area Action Plan.
The capacity of sites (the number of homes that can be built there) may differ between the SHLAA Update and the Brownfield Register. This is partly because the Brownfield Register has to show maximum and minimum figures for each site, but the SHLAA Update shows the single figure we think is the most likely number of homes that will be built there. It can also be because actual completions on site since that date have reduced the remaining capacity. Sites where development has started are included where it is not clear that development will continue until the whole site has been developed.