Repairs and Maintenance Policy
1. Policy statement
1.1. We aim to provide quality homes and customer-focused services within Gateshead. Delivering cost effective repair solutions plays a key part in our decision making within the repairs and maintenance service.
1.2. This policy sets out the services that customers can expect from our repairs and maintenance service, including the responsibilities of us and our customers.
1.3. This policy sets out how we will meet our legal and regulatory duties as a landlord in respect of repairing and maintaining our housing stock; all as part of a wider Asset Management Strategy. This policy should therefore be read in conjunction with the other policies and documents referred to within this policy.
1.4 As a landlord and employer, we are responsible for meeting all of our statutory obligations. In addition, as a landlord and social housing provider, we must meet the Consumer Standards of the Regulatory Standards contained within Homes England Regulatory Framework for Social Housing 2015.