Type of fraud
Council Tax
Council Tax fraud is where a person claims for exemptions or discounts that they are not entitled to. This includes:
- Single person discount where the council taxpayer claims that they are the only adult aged over 18 living at the address however this is not the case.
- Council Tax Reduction where the council taxpayer deliberately gives false information to make it appear that they are entitled to a reduction. This includes understating household income.
Business Rates
Business Rate fraud includes not declaring a new business premises, not declaring that a property is being used for business purposes and failure to inform the Council that a business has moved into a property.
Housing - tenancy or right to buy
Tenancy fraud refers to a situation where a tenant has breached certain terms of their tenancy agreement. It can cover a wide range of fraud such as unlawful subletting, housing by deception, false homeless applications, false successions, key selling, abandonment and right to buy.
Find out more about tenancy fraud
Blue Badge
It is against the law for a person to use someone's Blue Badge when they are not with the badge holder. Misuse also includes using a badge that's not valid, been forged, copied, lost or stolen.
Offences committed by employees
There are various types of employee fraud including misuse of time and resources, fraudulent claims for allowances and expenses, failure to register or declare conflicts of interests, accepting undeclared gifts and hospitality and providing false information in order to gain employment.
Offences committed by suppliers and contractors
Contractors or suppliers can submit false information about their employee credentials and experience, invoice for goods and services that are not delivered, charge for higher quality items than provided, or make a variety of other false statements and claims.
Insurance claims
Insurance fraud is where someone makes a false or exaggerated claim to receive compensation.
Theft of council property
Stealing property that belongs to the council with the intention of permanently depriving them or the council's users.
Social care/direct payments
Social care fraud is when someone deliberately gives false information to obtain income they are not entitled to.
Social care fraud can take many different forms, including:
- Direct payment fraud is when someone provides false information by exaggerating their care needs, doubtful disability, fictitious carers or they or someone acting on their behalf, is misusing the funds they receive, or payments continue to be collected when the user has died.
- Undeclared savings or income can mean that people are receiving extra help (financial or care) that they may not be entitled to.
Grant fraud is where a grant payment has been awarded based on false information. Recipients of grants must meet certain criteria to receive a grant therefore they may make a false declaration to obtain a payment and then not use it for the reason that it has not been awarded.
Procurement fraud is any unlawful activity at any stage of the procurement cycle, from the decision to procure, to the conclusion of the contract. It includes the purchase and commissioning of goods, works and services by the council. It can be perpetrated by those inside or outside the organisation.
Free school meals
School meals fraud occurs when a parent is fraudulently claiming benefits which then entitles their children to free school meals.
School admissions
If false information is declared on a school admissions application this is deemed as committing fraud such as recording an address which the pupil does not actually live at.