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Repairs and Maintenance Policy

16. Damp / mould / condensation

16.1. Customers should regularly check for condensation and damp and report any issues to the council as soon as the problem is discovered. This can be reported online. Alternatively, customers can report damp and mould issues, or check on the progress of a repair by calling 0800 408 6008, or emailing

16.2. Condensation occurs when moisture held in warm air meets a cold surface and then condenses, producing water droplets.

16.3. Controlling water vapour levels is important. It is hard to prevent condensation in your home completely, but there are things we can all do to reduce it to a level so that it doesn't cause problems.

16.4. We will respond to a report of damp and condensation and complete any remedial repairs and actions in accordance with processes and procedures including the following steps:

  • initial report from a customer regarding condensation and damp in their home
  • a thorough clean of the surfaces affected will take place within 3 working days, including applying an anti-fungicidal treatment
  • an inspection is arranged to assess the type of damp, potential causes, and any repairs required - if necessary, we will install extractor fans and Positive Input Ventilation (PIV) units to improve airflow and reduce moisture
  • a Building Technician will produce a scope of work and arrange any repairs
  • if necessary, find you alternative accommodation while we fix your home
  • offer simple advice and guidance on what causes damp and mould and simple steps you can take to stop future issues developing
  • refer you to our Housing Advice and Support Team if appropriate, who will make sure you are maximising your income and if necessary direct you to specialist support to help you afford to heat your home