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Repairs and Maintenance Policy

17. Heating and hot water repairs (Winter Working Policy)

17.1. Where our customers have no heating and or hot water we will attend within the urgent category timescale of 3 working days. During the winter period (deemed as 1 November to 28 February) we will attend within the emergency category timescale of 24 hours.

17.2. In periods of severe inclement weather, outside of the winter working dates specified above, we may revert to the winter working policy timescales.

17.3. A level of additional priority will be offered to our more vulnerable customers including those who are over the age of 70, have a recognised disability or who have dependent children under the age of 12 months registered with us as living at the property.

17.4. Additional priority will be granted where the impact of not completing the repair sooner would have an adverse effect on the person(s). Such additional priority will only be granted in instances of total loss of power, total loss of heating and hot water, to ensure the property is wind/watertight and secure.

17.5. Additional priority will not be granted where the repair is for heating in a communal area and there is no significant health and safety risk to a person or the building.