Review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations 2024
What are polling districts, polling places and polling stations?
- A polling district is the smallest geographical area used for electoral administration. Gateshead is currently split into 102 of these and there are between 4 and 6 polling districts per local government ward.
- A polling place is a building or area that all electors located within a given polling district go to vote. We try to ensure that each polling place is located within its respective polling district, but this is not always possible.
- A polling station is the building or room within a polling place where voting takes place. Some polling places can have more than one polling station.
What is this review?
Every 5 years, Gateshead Council must review all the Parliamentary polling districts, polling places and polling stations in its geographical area.
The review is to ensure they meet the reasonable needs of voters and that polling places provide suitable accessibility facilities. The Acting Returning Officer (ARO) has published his representations, and this review is seeking feedback and comments on those, but any other submissions made, including those from organisations with any expertise in access for persons with any type of disability, are encouraged. The deadline for submissions was Friday 13 December 2024. All comments and suggestions for changes will be published on this page.
All suggestions received during the consultation will be evaluated carefully. Final proposals will be considered by the Council and any revised arrangements will come into effect when the Electoral Register is published on 1 February 2025.
Later review
The current review will be followed by further, more extensive review in 2025. This second review will take into account all the changes to the local government ward boundaries that will take effect for the local government elections in May 2026. These ward boundary changes were proposed by the Local Government Boundary Commission (LGBCE) following a consultation. Although the LGBCE have finalised their proposals, they are not expected to be approved by Parliament until later this year (after this current review has already started).
Any comments given during this current review will be considered again at that second review in 2025, dealing with those new local government ward boundaries.