Housing appeals process guide
The information on this page will help you understand how to request a review of a decision about your application for rehousing by Gateshead Council. If you have any other questions or need more help, please email us at qs@gateshead.gov.uk.
Who can ask for an appeal
To ask us to look at a housing offer again, you need to:
1. Have had your application assessed: you should have applied for rehousing and received a decision from Gateshead Council.
2. Have a decision letter: you would have received a decision on your application. This letter would have included the decision on your qualification to join the housing register, or your exclusion or demotion. If you are eligible, it would state your application's category. The letter would have also told you about how to ask for a review of the decision.
3. Be quick: you have 21 days from the date our letter was sent out to ask for an appeal.
4. Have a good reason: your appeal must detail, as much as possible, why you think the decision is wrong. This could include:
- your application has not been properly assessed
- the assessment has been based on old information
- there has been a change in your circumstances since the decision was made
- the council's policy or housing law has not been applied properly
5. Send us the right information: please send us all the details to explain your reasons for appealing. Include any evidence to support your appeal.
How to appeal
The decision letter sent after assessing your application has details of how to submit an appeal.
You need to request an appeal within 21 days of getting your decision letter.
If you miss the 21-day deadline, you must explain why and give us proof. We will only look at the late request if there is a special reason.
Not knowing you could ask for an appeal or not knowing the deadline are not acceptable reasons for being late.
What we need from you
For us to look at your appeal properly, you will need to provide the information we ask for. We will only ask you to tell us about things that relate to your reason for appealing. For example, if your reason for appeal is that you feel you do not owe any rent arrears, we may ask you to provide bank statements showing rent payments you made. If your appeal is that the property is too far from those who support your medical conditions, we may ask for the contact details of the people who provide support and the care they provide.
Understanding the appeal process
Here's a simple guide to each step of the appeal process:
Start your appeal
If you want to appeal, you need to do it within 21 days of getting your decision letter.
Late submissions
If you request an appeal more than 21 days after getting your decision letter, we will check if you have sent us a valid reason within three working days of receiving your form.
Receiving your appeal
We will send a letter within two working days to say we have received your appeal request. The letter will tell you who your independent review officer is and invite you for a chat about your case.
Independent review
Our independent review officer will look at your appeal. This person is completely independent. They were not involved in the assessment of your application or any decisions made. They will complete a full review of the decision made, taking into account all of the available information.
Regular updates
We send you updates on the status of your appeal every 14 days, using your preferred method of contact.
Making the decision
Our independent review officer decides what happens with your appeal while following any rules and guidance we have. We will aim to finish the review of the decision within 56 days. Your review can end in three different ways
- Withdrawn: this means your appeal stops. It could be due to a lack of information, because you found a home while we were reviewing, or because you requested to stop the appeal
- Dismissed: if the appeal doesn't go your way, the decision made about your application remains the same
- Upheld: if we agree with you the original decision was incorrect
Telling you what we decide
An independent senior officer will make the review decision. They must have had no prior involvement with the decisions made in your case. The review will be based on the case's facts and Gateshead Council's Allocations Policy.
Our service manager checks your case and appeal decision. Then we send you a letter explaining our decision and its reasons.
If you do not agree with our decision
The review decision is final. There are no grounds to challenge it. However, after six months, you can request a reassessment of your application based on any change in your circumstances, which will be reassessed. You will then have the opportunity to appeal against any decision made.
Please note: We prioritise appeals by the date we receive them. This list will give priority to appeals for temporary accommodation. Our goal is to be fair while completing your appeal in the fastest time possible.
Change in circumstances
If, during the appeal, your circumstances change significantly, such as a change in the number of people living with you, or if you are diagnosed with a new medical condition, please let us know as soon as possible. A change in your circumstances may affect our review.
Extra help
These organisations can help you with your appeal
- Citizens Advice: they are experts with housing laws and will help you with submitting your appeal. Visit Citizens Advice Gateshead (opens new window) or call them at 0808 278 7902.
- Shelter: they are a national organisation that give legal advice and help. Visit the Shelter website (opens new window) or call 0808 800 4444.
Remember to have all your documents ready when you talk to them.
These organisations can help you if you're stressed or worried
- Gateshead Talking Therapies: they offer talking therapy for stress and worry. You can ask to see them yourself or through your doctor. Visit the Gateshead Talking Therapies website (opens new window) or call 0191 283 2541
- Tyneside Mind: they have lots of ways to help you feel better, like talking groups and one-on-one counselling. To learn more, visit the Tyneside Mind website (opens new window) or call 0191 477 4545.
- Peer Talk: join groups where people talk about what they are going through and how to get through it. Find out more on the Peer Talk website (opens new window) or call 07719 562 617.
Tell us what you think
After your housing appeal, we will send you a survey for a chance to tell us what you thought about your experience. Your feedback helps us to improve our process, train our team more and update our website.
Contact us
Housing appeals
Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 3639