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Ruth Dodds and Tyneside in the 1920s

Image representing Ruth Dodds and Tyneside in the 1920s

Ruth Dodds - playwright, Quaker, volunteer and local politician - joined the Labour Party after the First World War and was elected to Gateshead Council in 1929, one of the first women to become a councillor. In 1939, she resigned from the Labour Party in protest at its support for war and, although she later rejoined, she was not as politically active. She was made the first woman Freeman of Gateshead in 1965. Together with her sisters, Hope and Sylvia, she helped to found The Little Theatre in Gateshead. Join Margaret Bozic for this talk based on extracts from Ruth's diaries in the1920s, together with a background of
Tyneside history in that period. Adults only.


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