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Deckham is made up of the Northbourne, Deckham Terrace, Deckham Hall, Mount Pleasant and Highfield areas.

King James Estate
King James Street, near Durham Road, is one Deckham street to have been improved
These estates were built in the 'garden suburb' style, and have a mixture of privately owned properties and social housing.

Deckham's landscape offers some of the best views across Gateshead, Newcastle and the Tyne Valley.

It is located between Sunderland Road and Durham Road, two of the main transport routes in the borough. The neighbourhood also has lots of open space at Banky Fields and Mount Pleasant.

Neighbourhood Action Plan

The Deckham Neighbourhood Action Plan identifies the main challenges facing this neighbourhood as:

  • a steep landscape that cuts off estates on top of ridges
  • run-down open spaces
  • anti-social behaviour around open spaces at Banky Fields and Mount Pleasant
  • harsh street environments with no greenery
  • poor conditions at homes built before 1919
  • not enough community and retail facilities at the eastern and northern ends of the neighbourhood

We've developed a number of projects to tackle these problems and improve conditions in the wider neighbourhood. These projects are:

  • external block improvements
  • new build houses to offer larger family homes 
  • neighbourhood management
  • better regulation of private sector landlords and tenants
  • selective demolition of a small number of properties
  • new and improved open space

Changing places

Lots of work has already been done to improve conditions in Deckham. 

So far we've:

  • acquired five hectares of land at Broadway to build new homes
  • demolished properties at Mulberry Gardens to make way for new homes
  • made block improvements to properties on Durham Road
  • acquired the Split Crow Road former petrol filling station site to build new homes